I’m so excited to tell you about the very first embroidery pattern that I have designed. I’m so excited about it that I am going to give it to you for free!! It’s so perfect for spring too!
Colors & Stitches:
For this pattern you will need some basic rainbow colors of 6 stranded cotton embroidery floss. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple. You will also need two other colors of blue- one a shade darker than the blue for the rainbow, and one lighter. Lastly, you will need a color for the words. I used a deep purple, but black would look ok too.
For each of the rainbow stripes, I recommend using 3 strands and a back stitch. OR I recommend 2 strands and a chain stitch.
For the cloud, please use 2 strands of floss and a back stitch. The floss color on the outside is darkest blue, then the middle blue used in the rainbow, and then the lightest color on the inside.
The raindrops are made with isolated chain stitches in the lightest color of blue with 2 strands of floss.
For the words, use 2 strands of floss and back stitch. The photo shows it done with 3 strands, but I highly recommend using only two because 3 was too thick.
For fabric, I recommend using linen or a linen-cotton blend. I also love using Kona Cotton for embroidery.

Click HERE to download the pattern.
You can find instructions for all the stitches and more in my free printable book of embroidery stitches.
Here’s my tutorial for how I finish up the backside of a hoop for hanging on the wall.
And there you go- a lovely design to hang up. I took pictures of it in Little Miss’s room because it has the best light, and whattayaknow, she decided it must be hers. I guess she approves!! Where are you going to hang your embroidery?


This post was published on Muse of the Morning.com