Download PDF booklet here
This is a tiny stitch guide of some basic embroidery stitches. It prints out on one page and has instructions on how to fold it to make a book that fits in your pocket!
This booklet includes instructions for these stitches:
stem stitch
running stitch
back stitch
blanket stitch
chain stitch
feather stitch

Download PDF booklet here
This post was published on Muse of the Morning.com
This is a pdf printable, you will need Adobe Reader or another pdf reader to open this pattern. A color printer is also recommended. All Muse of the Morning Sewing Patterns and Teaching Resources, including Free Patterns and resources are © Copyright 2015, Christine Leiberan-Titus, All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of these patterns and resources, except for patterns and directions, are strictly prohibited by US and International copyright law. No part of these patterns may be reproduced in print or electronically, including, but not limited to instructions and photographs. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without the permission of the author. Basically- personal use only. Thank you!

This may be a silly question, but where do you get your hand embroidery stitch illustrations? I want to create some patterns from my slow-stitched projects, but I am not sure where to get the illustrations to include with my pattern so as not to have issues with copyright. Thank you!