Wetfelting Wool Beads

hot water
soap (I like Sun or Dawn)
wool roving or top
your hands
a bowl

Step 1:
I like to do a bunch of beads at one time, so I keep water in two pots on the stove heating on low and have one where I’m working. Scoop about 2 cups of hot water into your bowl.

Step 2:
Tear off a bit of wool roving and submerse it in the hot water.

Step 3:
Put a teeny tiny dot of soap in the palm of your hand and roll the wool around and around, pressing harder as you feel the fibers mesh together, until you have a tiny little bead.

Pictures of the finished beads- aren’t they adorable? I love them!! You can use them on bracelets or as buttons on a pincushion. Larger ones can be used as pincushions themselves. Even larger ones are great play balls or dryer balls!

Here are some that I tried different things as I felted the beads. On the green and yellow one, and the orange and red on the right, I did two colors of roving. The other ones were different tries at wrapping roving around almost finished beads.

Have Fun!

Chrissy Bernards writes for Muse of the Morning.com