Today, I want to share a great tip that I’ve recently come across for cutting out felt. Sometimes, felt can be difficult to cut. It can be a little slippery when you’re cutting itty bitty pieces for appliques and tiny stuffies.
This tip is really easy. All you need is some freezer paper. Freezer paper is the type of paper that meat comes wrapped in from the butcher shop. On one side, it’s like paper and on the other side it has a waxy coating. You can get it in sheets that you can send through the printer– but even cheaper than that, you can buy it by the roll and cut it to the right size to print on.
If you’re going to print on the freezer paper, make sure you print on the paper side! Once it’s printed, cut out around the lines- leave a little space around the lines.

Instead of printing, you can draw the design on the freezer paper.

Whether you print or draw the design, cut out around it, leaving a little space all around. At least 1/8 inch if you can.
Lay your design out on the felt with the waxy side facing down.
Set the iron on the correct setting for the felt. If it’s wool, use the wool setting. If it’s a blend, use the correct setting.

And iron the freezer paper to the felt for just a few seconds, until its stuck together.

Now cut the shape out. The freezer paper keeps the pattern piece still to make it easier to cut around. It also makes the felt a little stiffer so it will be a lot easier to cut out. You should be able to use your regular crafting scissors also! Give it a try!

Now, gently peel the paper off of the felt.

And voila! Your wool shape is all cut out and ready to be appliqued onto something!
You can also use this method to cut out two shapes to sew together as an ornament.
Have you heard of this method before? How has it worked for you?

Chrissy writes for Muse of the Morning.com