I wanted to take a break in the flood of embroidery and hand sewing posts to bring you something crafty that I’ve had in my mind for a while. I love these little glowy candle holders. They’re really easy and make really neat gifts. Wanna know how to make them? Well, let me tell you!

You’ll need a bunch of circles of various sizes cut out of tissue paper. Do those die cut machines cut tissue paper? That might be a good way to get a bunch cut out. I just free hand cut all of these.
You’ll also need some mod podge. I like the matte variety.
You’ll need wax paper for under your work surface and a paintbrush.
And lastly, you’ll need a candle holder. I found a few at the thrift store. You’ll want yours to be clear glass, and it can be pretty much any shape. It does need to be taller than your candle. I like using tea lights.
Alright! Ready to get started?

I like to start on the bottom. Paint a little mod podge onto the candle holder, then press a circle into it. Paint a little over the top.

Overlap the circles and paint some more mod podge over the top. As you go around edges and corners, fold the circle around the candle holder, and mod podge them down.

Keep going until all the space is filled up.

When you’re working around the top, fold the circles down and make sure to securely paint the tissue down on the inside. Make sure it’s all smooth so it won’t stick out and catch fire!

When the candle holder is all covered up, let it dry overnight.

Then put a tea light in it and check out the glowy goodness!!
I’ve really been enjoying the rainbow colors, but wouldn’t one done all in different shades of green or blue be really pretty?
What color will you make your candle holder? Will you be making any for gifts?

This post was published on Muse of the Morning.com