I love finding new and creative ways to display my embroidery! I think that displaying it on a canvas like this is really fun and would be good for a lot of different designs around the edges. I’m going to play with this a lot more.
In the meantime, here’s a tutorial on how to mount your embroidery on a canvas. A perfect embroidery design for this method, is the Swim In The Sea embroidery design that I published a few weeks ago.

Supplies Needed:
For this project, you’ll need your embroidery project with 2 extra inches on each side and a canvas that is a good size to fit your embroidery. If you’re using the Swim In The Sea embroidery, an 8×10 canvas is good. You’ll also need a staple gun and staples.
You can also make your own canvas by nailing 4 pieces of wood together. I do recommend gluing a piece of paper across the front of the homemade canvas if you do this.
Alright, got all your supplies? Let’s get started.

First, iron your embroidery from the back so the stitches don’t get squished.

Make sure your table is nice and clean before starting. You don’t want the embroidery to get dirty.
Place the canvas on the table with the canvas side up. Lay your embroidery over the top and position it so it will be nice and straight on the canvas. Use pins through the embroidery at all four edges to mark the position.

Put the pins right on the very edge of the corner.

Flip the whole thing over all together. Make sure that the canvas is lined up with the pins.

Ok, we’re going to start on one of the sides. Fold the raw edge over toward the edge of the canvas.

Now, fold the folded edge of the fabric up over the edge of the canvas. Make sure everything is staying in place as you do this. Flip the canvas over if needed to make sure it’s lined up.

Staple the fabric to the wood part of the canvas. Start in the middle. Then staple on either end. Don’t worry too much about how tight it is yet. Just keep the fabric in place.

Now do the same thing to the other side. This time make sure the fabric is stretched taut.
Remove the pins before you move on.

Turn the canvas so you’re working with one of the ends now. Cut the corners of the fabric at the ends to reduce the bulk.

Fold the corners in toward the center as if you were wrapping a present.

Fold up the raw edges, just like on the sides.

And staple in place. Again, begin with the center, and then staple on either side.
Repeat with the other end, this time making sure the fabric is taut.

Here’s what the canvas should look like on the back now. All stapled up.

Turn it around and hang up your embroidery mounted on a canvas!!
I will admit that it was tricky to get it lined up the first time I did it, but using the pins really helped. If you mess up, you can use a flat head screwdriver to pull out the staples and start over.

What embroidery design will you be mounting on a canvas? Where will you hang it? Tell me about your experience in the comments!

This post was published on Muse of the Morning.com