It’s been a long time since I’ve had a free pattern to giveaway. But my kids wanted to try the pickle tradition this year, so I decided to whip one up!

Have you heard of this pickle tradition? There is a pickle ornament hidden amongst the ornaments on the Christmas tree, and whoever finds it, gets an extra gift.
Apparently there’s a pretty big dispute over the orgins of the Christmas Pickle. I always heard that it was a German tradition, and sometimes I’ve heard a story about St. Nicolas saving some boys who were trapped in a pickle barrel. There’s also another story about an American Civil War soldier who was saved from starvation with a pickle. But possibly, the whole story was made up by salesmen in Germany, trying to sell glass ornaments.

In any case, we’ve decided to give it a try this year. So I created this simple, but pretty cute and folksy pickle pattern. It’s a complete pattern with diagrams, instructions, and pattern pieces to print on freezer paper. Download the pattern below and give it a try!
Also, I’d love to hear from some of my German fans- is this a tradition in Germany?

This post was published on Muse of the Morning.com